alfred: ERAS App

UI/UX Design
Project Overview
11 Health & Technologies inc. is a healthcare company that support patients undergoing major digestive surgery at every stage in their journey of care by pairing technology with data and peer-to-peer support. alfred: ERAS is an app for those patients who are about to have surgery. It combines the smart technology that 11 Health has created and combines it with the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocols of the patient's hospital.
Problem Statement
How might you provide educational information to someone who is about to undergo surgery and make sure that they adhere to the guidelines provided? The goal of this project was to create a version of the alfred: SmartCare that would be used specifically with the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocols by Ostomy patients.
Process & Responsibilities
As the only designer I was responsible for all the design work for this project from the visual design to the interaction flow of the app itself. For the first step in this process I mapped out the proposed user journey for the app. This encompassed all aspects of the app and provided to groundwork for how a user would interact with the app once I got to the final prototyping phase. Once the basic functions were agreed upon and the basic user journey was mapped out I moved on to creating a site-map for the app. This included some initial UI renderings of what the screens could look like along with further exploration into the transitions and movements that would take place between the screens of the app. Now that the site-map and the initial UI renderings had been completed for the app, final edits and modifications were made before moving onto the final prototyping phase. This phase gets the app prepared for UI and usability testing, an integral part of the UX design process.
Outcomes & Lessons Learned
One of the biggest things I learned during this project was how important the nutrition tracking is to users. After doing some additional research I found out that many potential users keep a food log to track what they eat, not for the caloric information like I originally designed for, but in order to keep track of what foods cause bowel inflammation or leaks. With this knowledge in hand I’m looking to modify my nutritional tracker to act more as a ‘Trigger Tracker’ to allow users to track what foods cause triggers to better serve their needs.

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